
Participant Parcours d'insertion SSP - Renaissance

« I enjoy helping the customers and I am proud of what I do here. »

While he was studying at CEGEP, Samuel realized that he was not happy there and decided to look for a job. While consulting the Emploi-Québec website, he discovered the job training program at Renaissance, and it appealed to him. ”I’ve always wanted to have a job with a social side.”

He enrolled as a participant at the Portobello store and is very happy with its dynamic environment focused on people. After two months in the program, Samuel had some problems, but he remains optimistic. “I know that I will make mistakes, but I am here to learn and improve. I enjoy helping the customers, and I am proud of what I do here.”
Motivated by the social mission at Renaissance, Samuel is already anticipating the end of his training. “It is good training for me, I feel that I will gain confidence. Once my training is completed, I will know how to promote myself to employers and highlight my skills.