Renaissance Team

The Renaissance team is a community that is devoted to its larger mission, rich in its diversity and extensive experience. To read the message from the President and CEO, click here.

Board of Directors


The board of directors is comprised of thirteen volunteer community members and the CEO who is present as a non-voting member. The board members have diverse and complementary skills. They manage the affairs of the organization and exercise the powers established by law.

  • Mr. Yvon Arseneault – President
  • Mr. Yves Provost – Secretary
  • Mr. Daniel Binette – Treasurer – BFL Canada
  • Mme Anitra Bostock, administratrice – Maison Elizabeth House
  • Mr. Gabriel Laurin, Director – Clearspring Capital Partners
  • Mr. Louis Fortier – Director – i4B inc.
  • Mr. Mehdi Hizaoui, Director – Les Services Exp.
  • Mr. Paul-André Lazure – Director
  • Mr. Pierre Legault – Director – Renaissance
  • Mrs. Gloria Sanchez-Meza – Director – Ville de Montréal
  • Mrs. Sheila Murphy – Director
  • Mrs. Stéphanie Garrow, Director – Garrow&Evoy
  • Mr. Eric St-Arnaud – Chief Executive Officer – Member of Office

Management Team

Éric St-Arnaud

“ The economic activity of Renaissance not only helps the planet, but also local people. It is with pride that we invest ourselves in allowing people to find the dignity of employment! ”

Éric St-Arnaud,
Chief Executive Officer

Benjamin Mercader - Renaissance
Benjamin Mercader

“ My greatest enjoyment in working for Renaissance is seeing the continuous evolution of the organization as a leader in the second-hand market and with a goal of changing lives. ”

Benjamin Mercader,
Director of operations

Karine-Katia Cole

“ It is a joy to help people integrate the workplace and to accompany them in the liberty of choosing their next path. ”

Karine-Katia Cole,
Director of socio-professional services

Éric Gareau

“ It is truly very rewarding to see that every small action we take daily in the course of our work has the power to positively affect the lives of many people. ”

Éric Gareau,
Senior director of legal affairs and real estate

Stéphane Roger

“ Contributing to an organization that combines economic activity, social impact, and ecological responsibility is not only a professional commitment but also a true source of inspiration. ”

Stéphane Roger ,
Senior director of finance
and information technology

Marie-Claude Masson

“ Here, humans are at the heart of all of our actions. Renaissance allows me to unite my passion for the consumer experience to an extraordinary mission. ”

Director of communications
and marketing

Zineb Aboussaâd - Renaissance
Zineb Aboussaâd

“ My work involves supporting general management, and it is a very precious gift when you think that it allows hundreds of people to find their way. ”

Deputy to the general management

Mouhssine Marrakchi - Renaissance
Mouhssine Marrakchi

“ I like to take care of finding talent for Renaissance, and to make sure that the work environment is suitable for the fulfillment of all. ”

Mouhssine Marrakchi,
Director of human resources


Étienne participant librairie Plateau

Participants in the integration program complete a 26-week training course during which they learn a new trade in order to join the job market. With Renaissance, they get the start to a new life.


Bénévole Renaissance - Patrick

For more than twenty years, Renaissance has welcomed volunteers who live with a mental or physical disability in its thrift shops, bookstores, and distribution centre. Many partner organizations, oversee and accompany this program.
Today, 120 volunteers work with our teams and participants on a daily basis. They contribute wholly to everyday operations (labelling, assembling, stocking merchandise) and convey their joy and good spirits.